Weekly content and resources available to help serve our families with children aged newborn to 12th grade.
Sunday Service Resources
Use these videos and printable activities to help your children engage in our Sunday Service and beyond. There is also a Parent Resource that will guide you to help lead your family in spiritual conversations.
**Targeted Preschoool schedules & resources are taken from the Open Network of Life.Church**
Preschool Bible Adventure (Ages 2-5)
Fruit of the Spirit
(All Ages)
Extra Resources
Articles, videos, and game/craft ideas for further application and fun throughout the week.
Gearing up for Fall:
(PDF) Back to School Eve Devotional & Activities
(PDF) Preschool: Shape Dot Activities
(PDF) Preschool: Indoor Family Activities
Family & Kids Focus--Know the WHY:
Early Brain Development and Health
Why Ages 2-7 Matter So Much for Brain Development
Do You Know the ABCs of Spiritual Growth in Children?
Gospel Tools:
Bible Study Tools for Kids:
(VID) Preschool: The Bible App
(VID) Elem: Crossroads' Kids Club
(VID) All Ages: Kids on the Move
(PDF) All Ages: Bible Study Printables
(VID) All Ages: Seeds Family Worship
Bible Study Tools for Leading Kids:
What We Learn When We Teach Kids the Bible
How to Study the Bible as a Family
Public Reading of Scripture with Your Kids
Practice Your Faith: A New Liturgy
How to Help Your Kids Study the Bible
Teach Your Kids the Bible & Christian History
Adults Going Deeper:
The Bible Project
Just for Fun:
Adult Scripture Coloring Pages
Student Resources
Quick links to videos and articles covering biblical topics discussed during weekly small groups, along with specific resources for parenting teens.
Here's a conversation starter question for this week:
How has God intervened in your life to help you receive his gifts?
The Family
We do offer classes for children in some of our gatherings, however we believe parents/guardians have the greatest opportunity to impact their child's life. Our mission is to:
To encourage stewardship of children in the admonition of the Lord. (Proverbs 22:6)
To equip those stewarding children to lead by example. (Ephesians 6:4)
To create community through discipleship. (Proverbs 27:17)
Classes for children, infant to 5 years old, are available for our 9 am and 11 am Sunday On-site. We do need people to help serve (no more than once a month) at one of our Sunday On-site service. If you would like to serve please click the button below and fill the form. One of our leaders will contact you about next steps.